Friday, November 23, 2012


We’ll be welcoming the Christmas Season with song at 7 PM on
Thursday, December 6, when Lockport’s favorite pianist KEVIN CLARK will entertain and play as we sing the old familiar songs.
We’ll meet at the Lockport Town & Country Club for festive desserts and the last chance to get-together until February, 2013.  THERE IS NO MEETING IN JANUARY.
Cost is $12, with reservations with your telephone lady by 8 PM on Sunday, December 2.  Or, you may e-mail Sue (  or
Judy ( Hostesses will be Donna Bergman and
Nancy Coons.

REMINDER: Dues of $40 may be paid at the December meeting, or mailed to Treasurer Ann VanDusen- 40 Lakeview Pkwy.; Lockport, NY  14094.
After December 31st, dues for the current year go up to $50, so be aware!

FLASHBACK: The November meeting ably handled by hostesses Cherlyn Willett and Mary Beth Caswell, featured speakers Shirley Britten and her daughter Kate. They cited the need for volunteers and donations at Lockport Cares. The house on Genesee Street, run by volunteers, is a temporary shelter for homeless and hungry men, women, and children. To help with ongoing needs, College Club members donated toiletry items and some gently-used winter things such as mittens. At the meeting, we expressed our sorrow at the passing of Shirley Chrzanowski, a member since 1976.

FOR THE FUTURE: Remembering the financial success of the basket raffle, please collect assorted new items for this year’s baskets at the April 14, 2013, fundraiser. Call ahead and drop them off at Rosemary Dever’s- 6864 East High St.  or Pat Kennedy’s-126 Windermere Rd. - our very creative gals who will give them the finishing touches.

NEEDS:  Greet your friends in College Club early and become a hostess at a meeting. Only requirement is being in place a half-hour before the meeting begins. Name tags, etc, provided. Call Anna Beth Kinyon (434-5868) 
            The next Board of Director’s meeting will be Jan. 10, 2013, at Anna Beth’s, 117 Windermere Rd.

                                                …and fat-free!