Sunday, October 26, 2014

November 2014 
Our November meeting will be held at 7:00PM on November 6, 2014 at the Lockport Town and Country Club.  Come join us to share ideas for increasing membership, future programs, the fundraiser and how to get more people involved in college club. We will be having the ever popular split club and also door prizes. Your split club tickets will double for the door prizes as well. We need everyone’s input on these important topics!  Coffee, tea and a choice of a dessert or fruit plate will be offered for a cost of $ 12.00.  Please make your reservations with the telephone committee by Sunday Nov. 1 at 8:00PM.  The hostesses will Judy Cummings and Shirley Wagner.
We will also be voting on the following change to our constitution. The underlined part is the change.

Article II – Paragraph One: “Eligibility for membership shall require that the proposed member shall possess a degree from an accredited four year college of university or an associate degree from an accredited college.

 Anne Ulrich McCaffrey, our speaker last month, was very informative about things going on in Lockport and her vision for Lockport’s future. She kindly donated her honorarium back to the club.

Remember if you make a reservation you are responsible for the cost even if you don’t come to the meeting. The $12 is the amount the Country Club charges us and includes not only dessert and coffee, but also gratuity and use of the room for the evening. If you miss the meeting and made a reservation, please send your $12 to Anna Beth Kinyon, treasurer.

Misplaced your Megaphone? Remember that it is always available online at: Anyone who would like to receive the Megaphone by e-mail, please call Ann Van Dusen at 433-7265 or e-mail at

Dues of $ 40.00 will be accepted at the meeting.  Checks may also be mailed to Treasurer Anna Beth Kinyon, 117 Windermere Rd., Lockport NY 14094.

The November Board of Directors meeting will be held at 7:00 on November 13, 2014 at the home of Donna Bergman, 99 Allen St. Lockport.

Rides! If you are in need of a ride to or from the meeting please call Patty Russell, 433-9342.