Tuesday, February 24, 2015

March 2015

How did a young couple with advanced degrees and international living experience meet in California and end up acquiring a 100 acre farm in the City of Lockport?  Come to our meeting at the Lockport Town and Country Club March 5 at 7:00 to hear Bree Woodbridge share the amazing story of how she and husband, Rich, took on the challenge of modernizing his family's 1820s farm and 20 room farmhouse. Learn about the difficulties they faced and their hopes for a prosperous future. Once again, we have the opportunity to welcome a courageous young woman making a difference in Lockport, please join us! Remember to make your reservation by 8:00 on Sunday, March 1. When making your reservation please let your telephone committee member know if you would like the dessert or fruit. Also, Marybeth Wilson is out of town for March’s meeting. Please direct questions to Gail Marshall. Our hostesses will be Janice Litz and Pat Kennnedy.

If you have not picked up your new directory yet please try to come to the March meeting to pick it up. Some members have discontinued use of their land lines. If you have, please call Dee Morotchie at 434-9892 to let her know of your change in phone number.

At the February meeting the scholarship committee’s recommendation to award two scholarships if suitable candidates apply was approved.

Our annual fundraiser will be held on Sunday April 12 at the Lockport Town and Country Club with a luncheon and musical entertainment provided by The Buffalo Dolls. The basket committee would like completed baskets, gift cards or certificates, or new items for baskets delivered to Pat Kennedy’s or Rosemary Dever’s home by March 23. You may also drop them off at the March meeting. Tickets and more information will be mailed out shortly.

The March Board of Directors meeting will be held on March 12th at the home of Patricia Russell at 7:00.