Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 2017

Please join us on December 7, 2017, at 7:00 at the Lockport Town and Country Club to hear Jackie Davis, inspirational vocalist and musician. She will be performing a variety of music, including her own compositions and Christmas tunes to get us into the swing of the season. She has a vibrant music ministry, teaches voice and piano and finds the time to write a bi- weekly column for the Lockport Union Sun. Jackie has also appeared on LCTV as a host and on TCT network.  It should be a wonderful performance, so plan on attending!                                                                                           Reservations must be made by Sunday December 3 by 7:00 PM. Hostesses will be Gail Marshall and MaryBeth Wilson. We will be having hors d’oeuvres, cookies, coffee and tea. The cost is

$15.00. A cash bar will also be available.


Christmas is the season for giving and we will be collecting needed items for Lockport

C.A.R.E.S. at the December meeting. Needed items include Men's and Ladies' sweatshirts and/or sweatpants in larger sizes and socks. Personal care products are always appreciated.

Gail Marshall is still looking for volunteers to help ring bells for the Salvation Army on December 6 for the location at the Lockport Tops. If interested, please call her at 434-4306.

Every meeting is a guest meeting, so be sure and invite a friend! We are always ready to welcome friends and potential new members! New directories are available, so be sure to pick yours up at the meeting. Remember to take any if you can deliver to a member who is not present.

We are still in need a person to serve as Secretary this year. It is not an arduous job! And can be a way for you to meet members! This position can be shared by two people, too. So if you are interested, please let Patty Russell or any other Board Member know of your interest.

Dues for the 2017-18 season are now due in the amount of $40.00. They can be paid at the December Meeting or mailed to Treasurer, Anna Beth Kinyon, Lockport College Womens’ Club, 117 Windermere Road, Lockport, New York 14094. Just a reminder that dues will increase to $50.00 in January.

Great news!!!! Ida Quade and Madeline Angelo have graciously offered to co-chair the Spring Scholarship Fundraiser. Danielle Priest and Shirley Frombgen are our Ticket Co-chairmen and Rosemary Dever and Patricia Kennedy will once again Co-Chair the Basket Committee.

Thanks to all for their commitment to both our Club and Scholarship Program!


The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on January 11, 2018 at the home of Marion Hannigan, 40 Spruce Street, Lockport at 7:00 PM. Please contact Marion if you are unable to attend.

April 2017

Good afternoon everybody! 


Just a quick reminder that the Spring Fundraiser is this Sunday at the Lockport Town and Country Club. 


And don't forget the May Banquet which is scheduled for May 4, 2017 at the Lockport Town and Country Club.  Come and meet our scholarship winners and honor two very deserving 50 year members.  Reservations must be called in to the Telephone Committee by 7:00 PM on April 30, 2017.  Cost is $30.00.  Meal selections are :  Roasted Airline Chicken, Pork Chop with Savory Applesauce, Fettuccine with a white wine and artichoke sauce and Grilled Bacon-wrapped Sirloin Steak.  Please let the Telephone Committee know your dinner selection. 


Have a great evening! 

Judy Johnson 
